10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open and the rest with covered faces ) with gynaecologist Dr Naina Patel who has spurred this surrogate motherhood revolution in Anand and her embryologist Harsha Bhadarka, In some pics Patel

INDIA - JULY 23: 10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open and the rest with covered faces ) with gynaecologist Dr Naina Patel who has spurred this surrogate motherhood revolution in Anand and her embryologist Harsha Bhadarka, In some pics Patel is seen holding a newborn in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India (Photo by Shailesh Raval/The The India Today Group via Getty Images)
INDIA - JULY 23: 10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open and the rest with covered faces ) with gynaecologist Dr Naina Patel who has spurred this surrogate motherhood revolution in Anand and her embryologist Harsha Bhadarka, In some pics Patel is seen holding a newborn in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India (Photo by Shailesh Raval/The The India Today Group via Getty Images)
10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open and the rest with covered faces ) with gynaecologist Dr Naina Patel who has spurred this surrogate motherhood revolution in Anand and her embryologist Harsha Bhadarka, In some pics Patel
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Getty Images10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open..., News Photo10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open..., News Photo10 Surrogate Mothers (with one or two of them with their faces open... Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty ImagesProduct #:88949180
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The India Today Group / Contributor
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The India Today Group
Date created:
23 July, 2007
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The India Today Group
Object name:
Surrogate Mothers-072307-SR01