Washington, DC- Newspaper headlines being read by tourists in front of the White House tell of history in the making. It is said to be imminent that...
Demonstration outside the Whitehouse in support of the impeachment of President Nixon following the watergate revelations.
President Nixon, in a nationally televised address 8/15, asks for support against "those who would exploit Watergate in order to keep us from doing...
American politician Richard Nixon at the White House with his family after his resignation as President, 9th August 1974. From left, son-in-law David...
President Richard Nixon, claiming he was misled by his staff, has assumes "full responsibility" for the Watergate bugging and indicated a special...
Richard Nixon gives the thumbs up after his resignation as 37th President of the United States. His son-in-law David Eisenhower is with him as he...
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Washington Post staff writers who have been investigating the Watergate case, at their desk in the Post.
View of the cover of an Extra edition of the New York Post from the day US president Richard Nixon resigned, with the headline, 'NIXON QUITS TONIGHT'.
Washington, DC. Close-up of President Richard M. Nixon seated at a desk in the Oval Office during his televised Watergate address, in which he claims...
President Richard Nixon said he will turn over 1,200 pages of edited transcripts about Watergate scandal to the House Judiciary Committee that, he...
White House reporters watch President Richard Nixon on TV as he told the nation of White House involvement in the Watergate scandal, Washington D.C.
Fred Clow of Boston listens to President Nixon as he delivers nationwide television address on Watergate, . President Nixon told the nation the...
Washington: President Richard Nixon, conceding that his refusal to surrender secret White House tapes had "heightened the mystery about Watergate"...
Washington: In a brief appearance before newsmen at the White House, Pres. Nixon said there have been "major developments" in a new investigation he...
President Richard Nixon looks down as stands at a podium, reading a farewell speech to his staff following his resignation, the White House,...
American president Richard Nixon announces his resignation on national television, following the Watergate scandal.
Jerry Poth and his wife read the 'Daily Express' newspaper outside the Hilton hotel in London, following the resignation of US President Richard...
Pres. Richard M. Nixon addresses a gathering at dedication ceremonies of the Cedars of Lebanon Health Care Center. In the background are protesters...
Three of the seven persons accused of burglarizing and bugging Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate building arrive at U.S. District...
New York: Former Nixon Administration officials John N. Mitchell and Maurice H Stans, hold press conference on steps of US Federal Courthouse as they...
Washington, DC: President Richard Nixon addresses the nation on TV about the Watergate. Photo of television screen of Nixon's Broadcast.
Makes TV Address. Washington: President Nixon, in a nationally televised broadcast, asked for support against "those who would exploit Watergate in...
Washington, DC. President Richard M. Nixon told a group of Congressional leaders 5/15 that he favors amending the U.S. Constitution to limit a...
Washington, DC- Eugenio R. Martinez and Bernard L. Baker , two of the seven men who pleaded guilty or were convicted in the June 17 break-in at the...
American politician and former attorney-general John Mitchell, one of Richard Nixon's top aides, is sworn in at the Senate. He is facing charges in...
Mugshots of CIA officer James W. McCord Jr., arrested 17th June 1972 during a break-in by five men at the Democratic National Headquarters in...
President Richard Nixon sits in the Oval Office of the White House During Watergate scandal on February 2, 1974 in Washington DC.
Washington Post Reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein walk from Federal court after covering the President Richard Nixon Watergate hearings March...
Richard Milhous Nixon 37th President of the USA who resigned in 1974 under threat of impeachment after the Watergate scandal.
Exterior view of the Watergate office-apartment-hotel complex, scene of what became known as the Watergate scandal, in Washington DC, 2nd May 1973....
Richard Nixon, waves goodbye, as he departs in the Presidential Helicopter from the South Lawn of the White House on the day of his resignation.
This sketch shows White House Watergate Attorney James St. Claire arguing before the Supreme Court over whether President Nixon could assert...
Washington, DC: The trial of the "Watergate Seven," the men accused of bugging the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee last June,...
President Nixon, conceding that his refusal to surrender secret White House tapes had "heightened the mystery about Watergate" and caused suspicions...
Washington: H.R. "Bob" Haldeman, Nixon's former Chief of Staff, is accompanied by his attorney Joh. J wilson, left, as he arrives at US District...
Washington: In opening remarks of the Watergate bugging trial 1/10 the prosecutor charged that White House aide G. Gordon Liddy was provided $235,000...
President Richard Nixon holds a press conference at the White House in Washington on March 6th, 1974.
James W. McCord Jr. And G. Gordon Liddy , both former officials of President Nixon's re-election campaign, are shown as they arrive at court on...
9th AUGUST 1974, Washington D, C, USA, President Richard Nixon of the United States holds back a tear as he makes his resignation speech alongside...
Republican president of the United States Richard Nixon thumbing up after announcing his resignation from the presidency after the Watergate scandal...
Congressman Peter Rodino , chair of the House Judicial Committee that oversaw the Richard Nixon impeachment hearings, surrounding by journalists,...
Washington: Federal Judge John Sirica made public a letter by James McCord, the "political pressure" was brought to bear on him and other defendants...
Former Attorney General John Mitchell is surrounded by newsmen following his appearance before a Federal Grand Jury 4/20. Mitchell said he told the...
Washington, DC. John W. Dean III faces the Senate Watergate Committee As hearings resume on the Watergate Affair. Dean, the ousted White House...
Congresswoman Barbara Jordan delivers her opening remarks on July 25 during the House Judiciary Committee's hearings on the issue of the impeachment...
President Nixon in a reshuffle of the White House's top strata domestic staff, appointed Bryce Harlow and Daniel P. Moynihan as Counsellors to the...
New York, New York- Customers and employees in the television section of a local department store watch the open preliminaries of the special Senate...
Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis is accompanied by his attorney, Ronald Goldfarb, as he leaves the Men's House of Detention on Rikers Island here....
John W. Dean III appears before the Senate Watergate Committee for the second day of testimony. Dean told the group that he believed President Nixon...
President Nixon is shown during his televised news conference at the White House 3/6. The Chief Executive said he will provide the house impeachment...
Los Angeles: A handcuffed G Gordon Liddy, , a member of the White House Security "Plumbers" squad, arrives at Los Angeles Count jail to await...
Washington- The Washington Post won the 57th annual Pulitzer Prize for distinguished public service in journalism for its investigative reporting of...
Washington, DC. Archibald Cox is sworn in as Special Watergate Prosecutor by Judge Charles Fahy , of the District of Columbia Circuit Court, during a...
The House Judiciary Committee begins its debate on the possible impeachment of President Nixon in Washington on July 24th, 1974.
President Richard Nixon expresses a point during a meeting with Treasury Secretary William Simon in Washington on July 30th, 1974. While this meeting...
American political aide Bruce A Kehrli testifies before the United States Senate Watergate Committee hearing, held in the Russell Caucus Room of the...
Kathy Klomparens and Bonnie MacLean, both being intensely interested in the Watergate testimony of John Dean and desirous of taking advantage of the...
Exclaiming she never gives sidewalk interviews, Mrs. Martha Mitchell, wife of former U.S. Attorney general John Mitchell, leaves he New York...