cinemagraph of a public domain artwork "animation of the great wave off kanagawa", an iconic woodblock print by renowned japanese ukiyo-e artist hokusai, originating from the late 1831 edo period of japanese history - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Cinemagraph of a Public Domain Artwork "Animation of The Great Wave off Kanagawa", an Iconic Woodblock Print by Renowned Japanese Ukiyo-e Artist Hokusai, Originating from the Late 1831 Edo Period of Japanese History
video footage taken on november 23 japan, at honganji nagoya betsuin temple in nagoya shows artists using broom-sized brushes to recreate an immense... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Gigantic painting by Hokusai recreated on Nagoya temple grounds
following in the brushstrokes of a famed ukiyo-e woodblock artist, akira yamaguchi drew a massive portrait of the buddhist monk daruma on a cotton... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Artist Draws Great Daruma Based on Legend of Hokusai’s Feat
lego sculptures exhibition at the old truman brewery: exhibits and interview; england: london: the old truman brewery: int copy of auguste rodin's... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage10:20Lego sculptures exhibition at The Old Truman Brewery: Exhibits and interview
tokyo, japan, -march 07: renowned cartoonist leiji matsumoto attends an exhibition in tokyo on march 7 of a series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints based... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage03:29Ukiyo-e of "Galaxy Express 999"
in the stokes croft area of bristol, england. with cars and bicyclists passing in front of shot. the mural copies/is a homage to hokusai's painting... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23WS (wide shot) mural in the style of Japanese artist Hokusai on side of house.
the paris pinacotheque gallery hosts an exhibition of 200 prints with erotic motives love in the age of geishas including by hokusai seen as the... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage02:18CLEAN : Paris hosts show of Japanese erotic prints
one of the worlds largest private collections of japanese prints including major works of artists hiroshige and hokusai has gone on public display... - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage02:41CLEAN : Exhibition in Aix-en-Provence showcases masters of Japanese printmaking
designer pierre cardin unveiled a collection of erotic prints by hokusai on the fringe of an exhibit dedicated to the japanese artist - katsushika hokusai stock videos & royalty-free footage02:35CLEAN : Paris displays private collection of Hokusai erotic prints