human finger touching robot fingers - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Human Finger Touching Robot Fingers
montage greek and turkish delegates walk up steps in lausanne, switzerland, for negotiations to end the greco-turkish war / delegates sign the treaty... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Treaty of Lausanne ends Greco-Turkish War in 1923
montage int palace of versailles, with paris peace conference in progress / british prime minister david lloyd george departs, tips his top hat as he... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Treaty of Versailles signed in 1919 to set terms of German surrender in World War I
italian ambassador meli lupi di soragna at desk signing peace treaty, aides at chair and others in bg / he rises from chair / pan delegates /... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Delegates of Allied countries and Axis Powers sign Italian peace treaty at Versailles
henry kissinger and vietnamese offcials signing the paris peace accord at the hotel magestic in paris / france - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:111973 MONTAGE Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese offcials signing the Paris Peace Accord at the Hotel Magestic in Paris / France
united states president richard nixon and soviet president leonid brezhnev sign the salt i treaty for nuclear disarmament in moscow, russia. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13United States President Richard Nixon and Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT I Treaty for nuclear disarmament in Moscow, Russia.
medium shot of georges clemenceau and his wife mary plummer arriving at versailles / the indian delegation / david lloyd george and wife frances / us... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Heads of State arrive to sign the Treaty of Versailles
ms zi view of text on paper - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17MS ZI View of text on paper
newsreel reporting on the signing of the north atlantic treaty, also known as the washington treaty, implemented by the north atlantic treaty... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Universal Newsreel - North Atlantic Treaty signed, USA; 1949
diplomats and officials sitting down at the negotiating table during the pars peace accord deliberations / paris, france - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:061973 MONTAGE Diplomats and officials sitting down at the negotiating table during the Pars Peace Accord deliberations / Paris, France
world leaders sign the versailles treaty at the end of world war i. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06World leaders sign the Versailles Treaty at the end of World War I.
chinese produced cultural survey of 1961 china - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40Chinese produced cultural survey of 1961 China
. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:051978 close up clasped hands of Carter, Begin and Sadat shaking hands / zoom out to medium shot
close up newspaper with headline announcing signing of treaty of versailles / documentary - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07B/W 1919 close up newspaper with headline announcing signing of Treaty of Versailles / documentary
egypt-israel peace treaty: sinai settlers face eviction; egypt: sinai peninsula: yamit: ext wide of children on bicycles away towards settlement cms... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Egypt-Israel peace treaty: Sinai settlers face eviction
"paramount news issue no 81" / title card: "west germany becomes an ally" / title "historic peace pact signed at bonn" superimposed over british,... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:09Eden, Acheson, Schuman, Adenauer meet for peace pact restoring German sovereignty; scenes of German surrender signing 1945 with Gen. Jodl
ws peace meeting leaders to middle - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58WS Peace meeting leaders to middle
woodrow wilson returns from the versailles conference. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Wilson Returns From Versailles
clemenceau, lloyd george, woodrow wilson, arrive at the versailles conference. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:2201. Clemenceau, George, Wilson, Versailles
new york / usa united nations headquarters in manhattan new york city. architects: wallace harrison, oscar niemeyer, le corbusier. opened in 1952.... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan NYC
president richard nixon, soviet premier andrei kosygin, and officials from both nations enjoy champagne after nixon and kosygin sign a pact for space... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06US President Richard Nixon, Soviet Premier Andrei Kosygin, and officials from both nations enjoy Champagne after Nixon and Kosygin sign a pact for space cooperation.
president richard nixon and soviet premier alexei kosygin sign a us-ussr space cooperation pact in moscow. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14US President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin sign a US-USSR space cooperation pact in Moscow.
the treaty of versailles and other peace treaties that marked the formal end of world war one are put on display in the british national archives to... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage04:17CLEAN : WWI peace treaties displayed in London 100 years after their signature
several views of the actual treaty of versailles, with numerous signatures, sealing wax, and ribbon / note: exact day not known - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44The signed Treaty of Versailles
1921 montage b/w officials and representatives from latvia, estonia and lithuania leaving building following peace treaty negotiations/ moscow, russia - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:331921 MONTAGE B/W Officials and representatives from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania leaving building following peace treaty negotiations/ Moscow, Russia
1921 montage b/w officials and representatives from latvia, estonia and lithuania arriving in cars and entering building for peace treaty negotiations with soviet russia/ moscow, russia - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:451921 MONTAGE B/W Officials and representatives from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania arriving in cars and entering building for peace treaty negotiations with Soviet Russia/ Moscow, Russia
"declare peace pact in force - mashpee, mass. - six nations in conference agree to ban war forever" / native american representatives of six tribal... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:30Members of Massachusetts Native American tribes hold peace talks in 1929
signing of start ii treaty; 13.00: russian fed: moscow gv kremlin buildings as bells heard sof gv ditto us pres george bush and russian pres boris... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04RUSSIAN FED/POLITICS: Signing of Start II treaty
secretary of state henry kissinger and le duc tho shake hands at a cease fire negotiation during the paris peace accords. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho shake hands at a cease fire negotiation during the Paris Peace Accords.
communists march in demonstration against japanese signing of peace treaty under discussion in san francisco; police look on / montage demonstrators,... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Signing of the Treaty of San Francisco in 1951
pan american world airways plane taxis on airfield / group of japanese children dressed in kimonos wave us and japanese flags / japanese prime... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42San Francisco conference regarding Japanese autonomy and reparations for World War II crimes
nation flags. int french foreign minister robert schuman signing treaty. delegates watching. italian diplomat carlo sforza signing. cameramen in... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171949: NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY: MS Nation flags. INT MS French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman signing treaty. MS Delegates watching. MS Italian diplomat Carlo Sforza (1872-1952) signing. WS Cameramen in stands. Washington D.C., April 4th., NATO
president manuel quezon having lunch w/ men. quezon talking. white house washington d.c. traffic fg. int vs us president franklin d. roosevelt... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Philippine President Quezon FDR
building w/ people seated at large square table & in gallery bg. unidentified japanese male signing paper, british prime minister lord balfour... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:121921/1922: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NAVAL LIMITATION: HA WS INT Building w/ people seated at large square table & in gallery BG. Unidentified Japanese male signing paper, British Prime Minister Lord Balfour signing, CU signatures on treaty w/ seals
british troops march out of suez superimposed over soldiers marching away from camera / colonel gamal abdel nasser and british minister of state... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Gamal Nasser and Anthony Nutting sign 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Suez agreement in Cairo
general gamal abdel nasser sits at long table with members of british delegation as man signs treaty regarding british troop withdrawal from the suez... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11In 1954, Britain agrees to a phased withdrawal of its troops from the Suez Canal Zone
superimposed on abba eban and john foster dulles 'u.s.-israel sign treaty of friendship' / left profile of eban and dulles signing documents / eban w... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Israeli Ambassador Abba Eban and US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles sign a 1951 friendship accord
cars pull up into the courtyard of the ministry for europe and foreign affairs building; ambassadors get out and walk up steps / a group of three... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59Delegates arrive and meet in the Salon de la Paix for signing of post-World War II Peace Treaties in Paris
people holds torchlight on february 23, 2024 in turin, italy. the torchlit procession is being held for peace two years after russia invaded ukraine... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Torchlight Procession For Peace In Turin
close up tilt down profile andrei gromyko in eyeglasses signing atomic test ban treaty / newsreel - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07B/W 1963 close up tilt down PROFILE Andrei Gromyko in eyeglasses signing Atomic Test Ban Treaty / newsreel
general william harrison signing korean war armistice as others watch - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1953 US General William Harrison signing Korean War armistice as others watch
secretary of state george marshall testifying, urging ratification of treaties between allies and italy, bulgaria, hungary and romania following end... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Secretary of State George Marshall testifies before US Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, DC
outtakes from various educational film productions - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:311910s: Large crowd inside Palace of Versailles. Intertitle card
japanese prime minister's official residence where peace treaty between vichy france and thailand is to be signed / int officials entering great hall... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Japan mediates conflict and its officials endorse Peace Treaty between Vichy France and Thailand in Tokyo during World War II
the new representatives of the three-member presidential council of bosnia and herzegovina officially took the oath of office in sarajevo on... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage02:22New representatives of Presidential Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina take office
"and in san francisco - peace treaty climax" / soviet deputy minister andrei gromyko, walking forward on platform at press interview / vs gromyko at... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06Japanese Peace Treaty is signed at San Francisco
greece is violating treaties by arming islands in aegean, and sovereignty of those islands will be questioned if it does not give up violations,... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage03:37Greece violates treaties by arming islands in Aegean, Turkish top diplomat says
ws cavalry and indians troop on battle field - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41WS Cavalry and indians troop on battle field
the controversial treaty of mutual cooperation and security between the united states and japan, also known as the us-japan security treaty and anpo... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28Universal Newsreel - US-Japan Security Treaty, USA; 1960
new york / usa united nations headquarters in manhattan new york city. architects: wallace harrison, oscar niemeyer, le corbusier. opened in 1952.... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan NYC
president richard nixon announces a breakthrough in the s.a.l.t. talks. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Nixon announces a breakthrough in SALT talks
president richard nixon describes the agreement between the united states and canada to jointly clean up the great lakes. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38US President Richard Nixon describes the agreement between the United States and Canada to jointly clean up the Great Lakes.
president ronald reagan says that he and soviet general secretary mikhail gorbachev have signed the geneva accords, which provide for withdrawal of... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41US President Ronald Reagan says that he and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev have signed the Geneva Accords, which provide for withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
radical panamanian students react to the treaty ratification for the panama canal. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Radical Panamanian students react to the treaty ratification for the Panama canal.
president woodrow wilson promotes neutrality as battles rage during world war i; germany invades belgium despite a neutrality treaty. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42President Woodrow Wilson promotes neutrality as battles rage during World War I; Germany invades Belgium despite a neutrality treaty.
demina islands (kuril islands) - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54Demina Islands (Kuril Islands)
white-tailed eagle (haliaeetus albicilla) kuril island - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) Kuril Island
shot of doors to east room of white house / closer shot of man opening doors and pres. calvin coolidge emerging with vice president charles dawes... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06US President Calvin Coolidge signs the Kellogg-Briand Pact, an international treaty outlawing war
egypt's schools, universities and the cairo stock exchange are re-opening for the first time since the uprising against president mubarak.president... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage02:52Services are back up and running in Egypt
nikita khrushchev visiting east berlin, waving as he walks through crowd / john f. kennedy at podium speaking at united nations general assembly /... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44August 1961 MONTAGE Nikita Khrushchev visiting East Berlin and Kennedy speaking at United Nations / German and New York City, New York, United States
russian president vladimir putin and japan's prime minister shinzo abe have pledged to move forward on a peace treaty to solve a territorial dispute... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:37CLEAN : PUTIN AND ABE DISCUSS PEACE TREATY OVER KURIL ISLANDS
tennessee senator bob corker says a designation along the trump administration to impose tariffs had never been used that way before, that if any... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Senator Corker warns unilateral tariffs jeopardize trade treaties
vermont senator patrick leahy says at a senate appropriations subcommittee hearing that the united states can either cut state department funding,... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40Senator Leahy opens at budget hearing with Secretary of State
declaring a formal end to the korean war when hostilities ceased with an armistice rather than a peace treaty will be on the agenda when us president... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage04:23CLEAN : Hope and indifference in the shadows of Korean DMZ
refugees pour into west berlin - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47Premier Nikita Khrushchev announces the closing of the Berlin Wall on national television
declaring a formal end to the korean war when hostilities ceased with an armistice rather than a peace treaty will be on the agenda when us president... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage02:51CLEAN : Glimpses of the Skorean military in villages along the DMZ
"washington, dc, president hoover receives the new limitation treaty at the white house" / secretary of state henry stimson makes statement, hands... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Secretary of State Stimson delivers 1930 London Naval Treaty to President Herbert Hoover at White House
maryland senator ben cardin asks secretary of state mike pompeo at a senate foreign relations committee hearing if it is the trump administration... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:25Secretary Pompeo assures Senator Cardin North Korea deal would be a treaty
secretary of state mike pompeo tells house foreign affairs committee chairman ed royce of california at a hearing that goals of north korea dictator... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22Secretary of State Pompeo summarizes North Korea desires from planned summit
north korean and un delegates leave a building in the village of kaesong, following peace talks. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25North Korean and UN delegates leave a building in the village of Kaesong, following peace talks.
north korean officials arrive at the village of kaesong for peace talks with un delegates. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18North Korean officials arrive at the village of Kaesong for peace talks with UN delegates.
sequence showing journalists reporting on the korean war peace talks being held at kaeson, north korea. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Sequence showing journalists reporting on the Korean War peace talks being held at Kaeson, North Korea.
general nam il and other north korean officials arrive at kaesong for peace talks with un delegates. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27General Nam IL and other North Korean officials arrive at Kaesong for peace talks with UN delegates.
sequence showing un delegates arriving at kaesong for truce talks with north korea. - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Sequence showing UN delegates arriving at Kaesong for truce talks with North Korea.
room packed with audience, journalists, and photographers with participants japanese charge d'affaires ryuji takeuchi, united states secretary of... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Japan and the United States sign peace treaty in 1952
japanese charge d'affaires ryuji takeuchi shakes hands with united states secretary of state dean acheson / vs views of treaty documents including... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03Peace treaty between Japan and the US
japanese charge d'affaires ryuji takeuchi: " ... on this memorable occasion, i would like to express the gratitude of my government and people for... - peace treaty stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17Japanese charge d'affaires Ryuji Takeuchi comments after signing peace treaty with the United States