Young woman stretching before off road running in park - HD stock video

Young adult African American athletic woman is smiling while stretching muscles before off road running on dirt path. Sun is shining through green trees and lens flare shines behind her head. She's wearing a blue tank top and armband. Woman is also wearing a fitbit. She's smiling as she stretches her arms while warming up before exercising.
Young adult African American athletic woman is smiling while stretching muscles before off road running on dirt path. Sun is shining through green trees and lens flare shines behind her head. She's wearing a blue tank top and armband. Woman is also wearing a fitbit. She's smiling as she stretches her arms while warming up before exercising.
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AED 1,850.00


Creative #:
Licence type:
Creatas Video
Max file size:
1920 x 1080 px - 1 GB
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Model and property released
Mastered to:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG HD 1920x1080 29.97p